Within its recently updated position on positive list of animals that can be traded or kept as pets, the European Pet Organization re-emphasizes its position against such an approach: EPO supports the position of the European Commission in refusing until now to provide an EU legislative framework for a positive list of species allowed as pets. There is already sufficient existing legislations, based upon a negative list approach, which provide the right legal framework if enforced properly. Therefore, what is required is not further legislation but better enforcement of that which already exists.
Positive lists of animals that can be traded or kept as pets do NOT provide an effective solution to address the illegal trade in or welfare of live animals. Instead, they will lead to regulatory failure and are counter-productive in that they will be detrimental to animal welfare rather than benefitting it. Furthermore, introduction of any such list is likely to be in violation of EU and international law.
EPO updated position with its rationale can be read here.